Thursday, November 18, 2010

18th November 2010, What did you do during the workshop? Do you prefer the workshop at the Stage Doors School of Performing Arts or the workshop at the Western Australia Youth Theatre? State the reasons for your preference.

We played various games at the workshop like we did more stretching compared to yesterday. We also played this game to like, warm up our voices. I think the workshop today was much more fun and entertaining than yesterday's workshop because yesterday's workshop was focusing more on character development but today's workshop was focusing more on like, playing out the characters which were like inanimate objects. I think today's workshop required more on our creativity because we made advertisements within a given time. The games today was also more engaging and I could really see that everyone was having fun because we were constantly laughing and smiling. Personally, I loved today's workshop because it was so funny to try to be like dinosaurs and selling the best toy in the world and it was really really really really really FUN! :D
I prefer the western australia youth theatre workshop because it was more fun and hands onwhich helped in our character development. I enjoyed the theatre workshop because it wasfun and the instructor was also very hilarious and fun.
-Chang weng kong

We did a lot of voice and stretching exercises. I liked both workshops, Stage Doors and Western Australia Youth Theatre. The courses helped me to be less self conscious, and more imaginative.
The instructors managed the courses very well. I had a deeper understanding of drama after attended the workshops. (:
- Annabel Fung.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17th November 2010, what did you do during the Theatre workshop? what is character development? what are some of the challenges faced during the workshop?

I learnt how to construct an imaginary character totally different to my own true self . There were few hurdles to overcome. It was very fun! and I gained more insight into drama as a performance art!! :) - Amrita

We did some exercises during the Theatre Workshop. Next, we carried out a wide range of activities that our instructor, Mr Phil Thomson, asked us to do. Character Development is all about how we engaged our roles on stage. The challenges I faced during the workshop was to enact my role as convincingly as possible. - Ummi

We did some warm-ups initially. These exercises help us prepare ourselves and to perform our own roles convincingly. Character Development is all about how well we engage a role for 'Live' drama on stage. - Aidil

Firstly, we had games and exercises to prepare us and to minimise our self consciousness and shyness. After the games and exercises, we had to create our own characters.  Mr Phil Thomson, our instructor helped us along through a sequence of  routine activities. Character development is a process that empowers us to create our character and embellish it with simple details, such as the colour of the character's eyes and his or her hair. The greatest challenge of all was to overcome our self consciousness as we acted out our roles. After several games and exercises, everything turned out well. Overall, the workshop was really fun! :D - Melissa

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16th November 2010, How do you feel when you watch John XXII Drama Night rehearsal?

Group photo with the drama teachers and students of John XXII College.
A little educational excursion at the Museum of Western Australia.

I feel that our standard is really low compared to them. Most prolly because of our lack of experience in the field of dramatisation. Observing them rehearse, gives me that 'feeling' to actually try it out myself. I suggest that we should do more of such things in school, as we don't really get the opportunity to try it out(apart from projects,etc). We should at least learn to actually perform ourselves. That'll be cool.

Ps. and scary too.

- Farah

I was amazed by the acting skills of  the students. They were very mature when compared to us. They did not shy away from their roles like us, in a very childish manner. They were very dedicated to the play that they were doing. They tried to correct their mistakes that the teacher pointed out to them and practiced whenever they had time. We should really try to be like them, like at least try.
- Abhi :)

I feel that their drama lesson was really interesting and very hands on which is very different from the lessons we attend back in Singapore. They were very confident on stage even though there was an audience watching them. However, we, students from Singapore are very different. Most of us would appear to be shy when asked to perform or to speak up in front of a large crowd. I also noticed that the students have a lot of initiative as even though the teacher is not around, they would practice their lines and not talk among themselves. I think that we should learn to be like that and be responsible for our own learning instead of talking among ourselves when the teachers are not around to control us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

15th November, What are some of the environmental challenges faced by the sand dunes?

                                           Sand dunes where we also did our sandboarding.
                                                Some wildlife found at the sea banks.
Sky full of clouds.
 A sheep shearing demostration at the Caversham Wildlife Park.
Tree top walk at Kings Park on day one.
Kangaroo feeding at the Caversham Wildlife Park.
Farmers used to bring their cattles to the sand dunes to grace on the vegetation. As years pass by, the land filled with vegetation has degenerated into an empty land. There are no roots to hold the soil together, hence the top soil, with the most ammount of nutrients is eroded.

The farmers brought the sheeps to eat the vegetation and as the years go by, there will be lesser and lesser vegetation. Therefore, when rain falls, there will not be any more roots present to prevent soil erosion from taking place. Gradually, the seasonal tides will also wash the top soil away, leaving the soil with lesser nutrients for vegetation to grow.

Top soil removed by wind, rain, errosion crops cannot grow.- Kay Hwee

The fertile top soil eroded due to reasons such as rain and wind. Thus, the vegetation there grew sparse and eventually became a sand dune. This greatly affects the balance of the local eco-system.

For many years, farmers have allowed their cattles to graze extensively right along the Moore's river banks. As the years pass by, the land that was once filled with vegetation has become very sparse. Since there was minimal root anchorage, the fertile top soil eroded. This process speeds up progressively faster due to seasonal rain and wind erosions. Thus , the area which was grazed upon became completely barren and if the problem is not resolved, the local habitat will be threatened severely in the long run.-Elisa

Sunday, November 14, 2010

weng kong

Chang weng kong :)
perth is super fun and awesome i really miss my friends and family back at singapore i really had alot of fun and i am enjoying the trip