Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16th November 2010, How do you feel when you watch John XXII Drama Night rehearsal?

Group photo with the drama teachers and students of John XXII College.
A little educational excursion at the Museum of Western Australia.

I feel that our standard is really low compared to them. Most prolly because of our lack of experience in the field of dramatisation. Observing them rehearse, gives me that 'feeling' to actually try it out myself. I suggest that we should do more of such things in school, as we don't really get the opportunity to try it out(apart from projects,etc). We should at least learn to actually perform ourselves. That'll be cool.

Ps. and scary too.

- Farah

I was amazed by the acting skills of  the students. They were very mature when compared to us. They did not shy away from their roles like us, in a very childish manner. They were very dedicated to the play that they were doing. They tried to correct their mistakes that the teacher pointed out to them and practiced whenever they had time. We should really try to be like them, like at least try.
- Abhi :)

I feel that their drama lesson was really interesting and very hands on which is very different from the lessons we attend back in Singapore. They were very confident on stage even though there was an audience watching them. However, we, students from Singapore are very different. Most of us would appear to be shy when asked to perform or to speak up in front of a large crowd. I also noticed that the students have a lot of initiative as even though the teacher is not around, they would practice their lines and not talk among themselves. I think that we should learn to be like that and be responsible for our own learning instead of talking among ourselves when the teachers are not around to control us.

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