Wednesday, November 17, 2010

17th November 2010, what did you do during the Theatre workshop? what is character development? what are some of the challenges faced during the workshop?

I learnt how to construct an imaginary character totally different to my own true self . There were few hurdles to overcome. It was very fun! and I gained more insight into drama as a performance art!! :) - Amrita

We did some exercises during the Theatre Workshop. Next, we carried out a wide range of activities that our instructor, Mr Phil Thomson, asked us to do. Character Development is all about how we engaged our roles on stage. The challenges I faced during the workshop was to enact my role as convincingly as possible. - Ummi

We did some warm-ups initially. These exercises help us prepare ourselves and to perform our own roles convincingly. Character Development is all about how well we engage a role for 'Live' drama on stage. - Aidil

Firstly, we had games and exercises to prepare us and to minimise our self consciousness and shyness. After the games and exercises, we had to create our own characters.  Mr Phil Thomson, our instructor helped us along through a sequence of  routine activities. Character development is a process that empowers us to create our character and embellish it with simple details, such as the colour of the character's eyes and his or her hair. The greatest challenge of all was to overcome our self consciousness as we acted out our roles. After several games and exercises, everything turned out well. Overall, the workshop was really fun! :D - Melissa

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