Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hiya mate !
Today's been a long day, that's fer sure. The plane ride was just soooooo draggy and butt-sore-ing. What more with having an annoying(yet cute) partner who's constantly 'blahblahblah..blah..blah..blahhhh'. Yeah, to be frank, it is my FIRST ever time i've been on a plane. Well, it's great here. Despite it being like SO friggin' hot, the wind's like an air-con. And im NOT exaggerating. Oh, and i'd like to show my appreciation towards my two darlings, Qaisara and Erna, for makin' a whole lotta effort to send me off. I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOO FRIGGIN' MUCH. MUACKS !! Not forgettin' my fam too. Aaaah, I love you guys(no words can describe). Anyhoos, it's been a fab time today. Will update soon, when I can xx Ciao.

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